Anthony Fauci (Dr Death)

[Psychopath  Fauci gets a gong for the pulling off the AIDS genocide scam, now running the Covid genocide scam.]

The Truth About Dr. Anthony Fauci (Dr Martin)

Bactrim was an inexpensive generic drug that effectively treated AIDS-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which was frequently fatal. This drug, like ivermectin, was withheld. Instead, Fauci insisted AIDS patients be treated with AZT, a horrendously toxic and expensive cancer drug that was never proven to work, and which killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients, most of them gay men.[July 2023] Celia Farber: Does HIV Cause AIDS? New Book Highlights Work of Virologist Whose Research Contradicted Official Narrative

Covid vaccine genocide


Zionist Trump, Donald

Robert Willner, M.D.

Mullis. Kary

Robert Willner, M.D.

 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,


[2009] America’s H1N1 Expert Says Scientists Are Clueless About Immune System Reactions to Vaccinations

[2009 Aug] Did NIAID's Anthony Fauci commit fraud or did US News & World Report misquote Dr. Fauci? Part 1 Part 2  Exposes Dr. Fauci Part 3 Part 4
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, interviewed by investigative journalist, Sherri
Kane, sheds light on the dark subject of America's Doctor Oz lying to the
American people.
Interview by Sherri Kane

PCR test

Whitty, Chris